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Robert Ploss
Robert Ploss:  April, 2, 1921- February 27, 2014  is survived by Stella Ploss 1922, Wife of 69 years since 12/31/1944 and Sons : Harry 1947 and John 1951.  His sister Roche 1923-1982 and mother Sophie 1897-1979.  His father Harry 1895-1934,  both his parents came from Belarus and immigrated to NYC around 1908. Robert was born in Brooklyn , graduated Brooklyn Tech, Cooper Union and NYU Polytechnic Institute.  Moved to Queens in 1951, Omaha in 1974 and Richardson TX in 1977. He was a machinist in the Brooklyn Navy Yard where he met Stella.  He served in the Army Corp of Engineers in WWII and Korea.  He was a Consulting Mechanical Engineer for Gibbs & Hill designing Power Plants in North America and Europe.  His last and favorite project was Working in Monterey Mexico on Co-Generation Plants.  He loved fixing jobs gone awry  in Nuclear, Coal, Garbage recycling  and other specialty applications. A lifelong Stamp Collector of Mint International Sheets.  Shared Boy Scouts and Little League with his Sons.  Enjoyed travel with Stella in the 1980s and 1990s, and 11 European Trips with Stella and his Sons 1997-2002.  He loved Restaurants and reading Menus. My Dad was a modest loving man.
Condolence Messages

3 Responses

  1. Dear Harry & John,
    Our condolences on the passing of your dad. The Stateman kids remember him very fondly.
    Romani & Rob

  2. Dear John and Harry our hearts are with you. The closeness our parents had with each other as cousins and friends is unmatched. Dear Stella you brought sunshine and life through your phone calls with Gloria. How you reached each others hearts at distance and through time is a special gift.
    Love Shaari and Len

  3. Dear Stella, Harry and John,

    I am so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing, and though for you a year has gone by, this is new for me. I remember with pleasure Stella and Bob’s visit to our family in Israel somewhere between 1984 and 1992, and the afghan Stella gave us is still being used. I remember Bob’s easygoing manner — it was always a pleasure to be with him.
    May you take comfort from the good memories you have from your time together, and may you know no more sorrow.


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