Common Reasons People Choose Cremation Services

How people treat their deceased family members has shifted over the years. In the past, cemeteries were treated as the de facto option for laying them to rest and visiting them in the coming years. Now, the cremation rate is over 20 percent higher than […]

How to Talk to Your Family About Your Cremation Plans

Death comes for us all, and it’s a very bitter pill to swallow. Unfortunately, when a loved one dies and memorial preparations are not made ahead of time, the remaining family not only grieves the loss but is also forced to bear the emotional and […]

Jeffrey Stephen Wallace

Decatur, Texas- Jeffrey Stephen Wallace passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on October 17, 2022 in Fort Worth, Texas at the age of 65. He was born on July 6th, 1957 in Corpus Christi to the late Fran Foster and Wayne Wallace. He enlisted […]

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