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How To Save Money On Cremation

The rising cost of burials has resulted in a large increase in the consideration of cremation as a final option. Not only is it more convenient for those closest to the deceased, since it eliminates traveling to a final resting place to pay respects, but there’s also the chance to save money on cremation, due to lack of burial fees and other factors involved.

Reasons for a Low Cost Cremation

Those higher costs connected to a burial can be virtually out of reach for many people, which inevitably makes the other option much more desirable. There’s only one way to cremate the deceased, but the potential for a low cost cremation still exists.

In many cases, the lower cost might not be the only reason for wanting to take this approach. The deceased may have been a person who prized the simple things in life, while also wanting to spare any loved ones the burden of the added costs that a burial brings.

Available Financial Assistance

In the event that financial issues limit a family’s ability to pay for a cremation, there are some options that can alleviate that burden. For example, Social Security pays a one-time death benefit of $255, which can be used toward the cremation cost.

Choosing an Urn Wisely

The ashes will rest in an urn that can be as basic as possible. While some families choose to spend extra money for crystal or porcelain urns, most cremation services have a wide variety of options. All of them will be sufficient for this purpose, which means that simplicity likely is the best option in this case.

No Need for a Casket

There is no legal requirement that the deceased’s body must be in a casket. However, it does need to be in some type of container, which can be accommodated through less expensive options as cardboard or plywood.

An embalming is also not necessary unless the circumstances of the death delay the cremation itself. The variety of laws that exist in this matter should be able to be answered by the cremation service.

Additional Considerations

After the cremation has been completed, the loved ones of the deceased should be able to obtain a death certificate, which is often part of the overall price, with an obituary notice an optional item that may not necessarily be of interest. Depending on the geography involved with respect to family member, the ashes may be able to be picked up in person. Otherwise, mailing costs will likely result in additional fees.

So for those seeking to save money on cremation, contact Lone Star Cremation.

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